Who CURSOR is…
The CURSOR consortium comprises 4 partners representing Cyprus, Ireland, Poland and Romania.
![]() SEAL CYPRUS is a non-profit organisation based in Nicosia, the ethnically divided capital of Cyprus. Οur members are from both ethnic groups. Our activities include volunteer actions in social issues, cultural events, and educational programs. We are experienced in working with participatory methods and techniques of non- formal education. We use a wide range of innovative interactive educational methods to provide open and distance learning, non- formal education, e-learning and on the job training. We are working with individuals, non-profit organisations, and public sector entities |
![]() University of Piteşti (UPIT) has over 10.000 students, 500 staffs and 6 faculties (www.upit.ro). UPIT areas: education/training; scientific/applicative research; guidance/counselling; professional orientation; international cooperation; publishing.Its staffs are accredited and have experience in EU projects. UPIT has specialised departments: Training Center, Teaching Staff Training Department, Centre for Sustainable Development Projects, International Cooperation Center, Research Centers, Centre of Higher Education Quality Assurance, Publishing House, etc.UPIT is member of European Universities Association (EUA), Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC), Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN).www.upit.ro |
![]() Since 2008, Tomorrow links technology and innovation to provide their clients with unique multimedia solutions. Our experts craft bespoke solutions fit to the needs and high expectations of the market and users. Our company owns proprietary, well-tested technology, based on international standards, allowing us to create virtual environments, mobile apps, entire platforms or training simulators, used in business, industry, IT environments as well as education and culture. Tomorrow actively uses „gamification” systems – that is, introducing techniques and design typical for games in different contexts. Tomorrow’s clients include Poland’s largest organizations (500+), including financial organizations (banks, insurance companies), universities and NGOs, or state and local authorities.www.tomorrow.pro |
![]() Future In Perspective Limited is a private company working in the field of vocational training, adult education, youth development, e-learning, digital media and social inclusion. The company focuses its work in 6 main areas, namely; conducting research and analysis in the fields of education and business development; developing continuous professional development training resources for front-line youth workers, VET and adult education professionals; developing training to support workplace learning; designing evaluation and quality assurance frameworks; multi-media design and developing media rich learning resources; developing branding concepts and promotional campaigns for community and voluntary education providers to re-engage reluctant learners.www.fipl.eu |